Code Pyn
Category: Reverse - Points: 34 - Solves: 20 Description: I lost my pin code. Can you help me find it?
A .pyc file is provided (pyn.pyc)
Solution: To solve this challenge you need to find a solution to decrypt the .pyc file or to recover the program code. To do this I chose to develop a little python script ( The script recove the program structure and we can see what he is doing. For example the python script return this :
This block indicate that the PIN is composed by 4 digits (LOAD_CONST (4)) After theses lines indicate that we need to do a XOR between 5 and 3 :
And it's the same for the 2 following PIN
So we have the 3 first digits (669) and the fourth need to be find manually. When we test the last digit, we found speedly that is 1. So we know the PIN code : 6691 and the FLAG is the PIN so...
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